

7 Secrets To Top Search Engine Rankings

by John Pawlett

There’s hope for the ‘little guys’ in the search engine ranking game, even if they can’t tell the difference between the title and keyword meta tag!

You can achieve high rankings for important keywords simply by applying certain rules that stand the test of time and even technology, the number one rule is really to., help the search engines provide relevant search results!

How do you do this? I’ll reveal the ’secrets’ soon.

While I’m far from being an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert and am just sharing experiences here, I’ve achieved some phenomenal results by following these basic rules and without resorting to ‘tricks’. Importantly, these are rankings that last.

I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t learn about SEO or use genuine software that helps, in fact you should.

For example (at this time of writing), here are my rankings for www .Marketing-Make-Money. com in Yahoo alone (remember these are extremely competitive keywords):

‘Make money online’ | rank: 1 of 33.9 ‘Make money’ | rank: 27 of 85.4 million ‘Web marketing’ | rank: 4 of 113 million ‘Web marketing tips’ | rank: 6 of 10.2

How did I achieve such incredible rankings without being some SEO guru or even obsessively optimizing my site?Recall the number one rule? It’s to help the search engines provide relevant search results.

Now I honestly believe there are only two MAIN things which support this rule and in the process, reward your website with the high rankings you desire.

These two things are Keyword Rich Content and Targeted Back Links which we’ll talk about later…

Here then are 7 powerful secrets you can use to model your website after to explode your high search engine rankings!

Step 1: Determine Highly Searched Keywords Determine highly searched and targeted keywords/keyword phrases related to your site and put them into a list. Here’re the tools to us e.

Step 2: Register Keyword Rich Domain Names While there’ve been contrasting arguments about whether having keywords in your domain helps, I strongly feel it does. The same goes for dashes between words in the domain.

Step 3: Use Your Targeted Keywords In Your Copy Use the list of keywords in step 1 within your website copy, especially in the title, headline and first paragraph. The important thing is to make them flow smoothly within the context of the copy so prospects will not find it weird.

Step 4: Insert Keyword Rich Relevant Content Next, build up your site’s content with relevant topics containing your keywords. Don’t worry, here are some ways to get instant content:

Step 5: Aggressively Acquire Targeted Back Links This is the second most important (some say it’s the first) factor to note after targeted and relevant content.

Step 6: Hand Submit Your Site To The Top Directories and Search Engines There’s no point in using those ’submit to millions’ services as only a few search engines really matter.

Using those services may actually cause your site to be penalized by these major engines.

Step 7: Tune Your Site For Maximum Optimization The final step would be to constantly monitor and analyze your website traffic against rankings. This is so you can review and tweak for further improvement in your rankings.

I hope this article will prove highly useful to you. Do not be scare away by SEO, it’s simple once you follow the above system. While these steps are not everything you can do, it’ll be enough to get your site ranked very well for the targeted keywords you chose.

Again, remember the number one rule of giving relevant content and establishing good back links. Help the search engines provide relevant results for their customers and your rankings will automatically skyrocket to the top!

About the Author: The Web is an informative website that looks into all aspects of the internet from building your own sites, to surfing others optimised sites. To find out more visit Grace.

Windows Vista

Microsoft and PC manufactures began the Vista Express Upgrade program. The Vista Express Upgrade Program allows customers who purchase a new computer between October 26, 2006 and March 15, 2007, to get an upgrade version of Windows Vista for free (minus shipping and handling costs). So if you’ve been waiting to make that new computer purchase until Vista is released, the wait is over. Purchase now and you’ll be guaranteed a copy of Vista for your new system when the final version is released.

But what if you don’t want to buy a new computer? Does your existing system have what it takes to run Vista, and run Vista as it was meant to? Don’t think that just because you might have purchased a top-of-the-line system at one time that you’ll be able to purchase Vista Ultimate Edition and have everything work correctly.

The hardware requirements for Vista are higher than any other version of Windows to date. And there seems to be a lot of confusion on the market today with the terms “Vista Capable” and “Vista Premium Ready” being plastered all over computers at every retail store. What exactly do these two terms mean?

Vista Capable PCs Vista Capable basically gives the minimum requirements that your computer system needs in order to “boot” Vista and run the operating system at it’s most minimal level. Vista Capable will allow you to install the version of Vista dubbed Vista Home Basic, which features most of the core components of Vista except for the new interface, dubbed Aero. Aero offers an entirely new visual experience for computer users, using the power of your computer’s video card. Vista Capable PCs will not be able to experience all of the benefits of the Aero interface.

Vista Premium Ready PCs Vista Premium Ready PCs have that missing component, a beefy video card, that allows the Aero interfact to shine through and give you the full experience of Windows Vista. You’ll get 3D windows with translucent frames, live previews of windows in the taskbar located at the bottom of your screen, and the new Flip windows functionality that makes it easier to find the window you want to work in.

If you’re looking to upgrade to Vista, I’d recommend you look into the Home Premium version. You’ll get the full Aero experience, along with the rest of the enhancements available in Vista. Better security, an easy to use interface, and improved stability make Vista a worthy upgrade. If you want to go Home Premium, here’s what you’re computer will need.

  • 1 GHz processor
  • 1 GB of system memory
  • Support for DirectX 9 graphics, 128 of graphics memory
  • 40 GB of hard drive space with 15 GB free space
  • DVD-ROM Drive
  • Audio output
  • Internet access

*These specifications pulled from Microsoft’s web site

Check out your PC today and see if you’re ready for Vista. If not, you can feel secure that when you purchase a PC between now and March 15, 2007, you’ll be able to upgrade for the cost of shipping a DVD to your home.

Michael Paul is the host/producer of the TechCast Weekly podcast, a weekly podcast dedicated to offering computer help and computer tutorials to everyday people. If you’re the type of person that wants to know how to use your computer and don’t want to listen to a lot of geek speak to get good advice, the TechCast Weekly is the show for you. Even if you don’t know what a podcast is, you can find out on the TechCast Weekly site and learn how you can get great audio content absolutely free and chock full of helpful hints to help you use and understand your computer more effectively. The TechCast Weekly offers common sense answers to your computer questions, plus tutorials on popular software titles, with a Premium service offering video tutorials showcasing different software titles, allowing you to follow along and implement your new knowledge right away. Visit www.techcastweekly.com to listen to the latest shows and great computer help and advice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Paul_Jr